Monday, September 23, 2013

Jamie | Senior Portrait Photography

More senior portraits to post, and I must say I have thoroughly been enjoying the opportunities to photograph this monumental time in so many students' lives. 

Here is Jamie:
Jamie's laughter is contagious and she has such an adventurous spirit. I mean, the girl loves sharks and would love to be a shark biologist or something like that. Crazy...and awesome...crazy awesome!

Jamie - I hope your crazy awesome dreams become a reality and that you continue to find joy in the ordinary!


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Audrey | Senior Portrait Photography

Simply put, Audrey is a fun person! She is goofy too, so she and I get along well! We had a blast photographing her senior portraits in the peaceful setting of Matthews/Winters Park in Golden. She and her mom were such good sports as we worked around unpredictable weather. Fortunately, the rain clouds headed the other direction and the combination of overcast then sunny skies made for a lovely evening for us.

Audrey - you are beautiful inside and out! Have a fabulous senior year, and wherever you are, be all there.